The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) is a private, voluntary non-stock, non-profit organization which gives formal recognition to an educational institution by attesting that its academic program maintains excellent standards in its educational operations, in the context of its aims and objectives.
1. To Identify schools whose competence and performance in a particular field warrant public and professional recognition.
2. To guide students in the choice of quality schools, colleges and universities that will meet their individual needs.
3. To help institutions of learning and professional association in the mission of advancing the interest of education.
History of PACUCOA
Founding of PACU (Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities) with accreditation as an internal policy.
Publication of the fist PACU Handbook of Rules and Standards of Approval and Accreditation of Private Schools and Universities to guide PACU schools in achieving excellence through self-evaluation of their educational programs in the light of their philosophy and objectives.
Appointment of the first committee on accreditation by PACU; first Manual adopted.
Establishment of the PACU Commission on Accreditation through a FAPE grant.
Adoption of the 1967 PACUCOA Manual and Evaluative Instrument as working basis, with revisions.
Signing by PACUCOA Board of Director of Constitution and By-Laws for submission to SEC, and eventual approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission of PACUCOA, Inc., as a non-stock, non-profit corporation under the laws of the Philippines.
This marks the official separation fo PACUCOA from PACU, which used to subsidize the PACUCOA's membership in FAAP. However, PACUCOA functions and operates as a private accrediting association, principally but not exclusively, for member schools of PACU.
Orginal Incorporators:
Alicia S. Bustos
Feliciana A. Reyes
Nieves A. Tality
Julia V. Calixto
Carmen G. Kanapi
Amado C. Dizon
Manuel D Punzal
Antonio Orendain III
Grant of PACUCOA of full membership in the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)
Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) and The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Awards PACUCOA Certification for ISO 9001-2008 version.